India's Ministry of Finance said on imports from the EU and China thickness more than 6mm alloy and non alloy coated steel imposed temporary anti-dumping tax, a period of 6 months, levy since October 25, 2015, imports the lowest reference price of 849 U.S. dollars / ton. India's anti-dumping and joint tax administration (DGAD) ruled that the dumping margin of coated steel plates imported from China was 50%-60%, 70%-80%.
The move was welcomed by steel mills, but is a blow to end users. Essar Steel said it will help India mills to improve the utilization rate of their production capacity, currently India coating plate manufacturer's production capacity utilization rate of 60%-70%. At present, the annual production capacity of India coated plate is about 1 million 900 thousand tons, and domestic consumption is about 1 million tons. Over the past few years, India coating steel consumption growth 15%-16% Pune, recently Essar factory has been full load operation, expected this year will yield 304 thousand tons, an increase of 49%. At the same time, the import business daily complained that the government's protection measures have seriously damaged the market, since the introduction of the lowest price plan in 2016 and the anti-dumping duties in February, the volume of coated sheet imports fell sharply.
June 29, 2016, India Ministry of Commerce and Industry released or originating in the EU and Chinese from imported alloy or non alloy coated steel anti-dumping investigation. Products involved in the customs code 72107000, 72124000, 72259900 and 72269990.