The U.S. energy information agency data show that in 2016 the U.S. coal production is estimated at 743 million tons (6.74 tons), a decrease of 17% compared to 2015 fell to the lowest since 1978.
Coal production in the United States has fallen for 8 consecutive years since its peak in 2008, with output falling by at least $15% in major coal producing areas. Low natural gas prices, 2015-16 winter temperatures higher than the normal reduction in electricity demand, coupled with the elimination of some coal-fired power plants, weak international demand for coal, have accelerated the further decline in U.S. coal production.
The United States has five major coal producing basins or regions. Although since the middle of, the majority of coal production in the region has increased, but in 2016 the total output of the five major areas of production compared with the previous five years were significantly decreased.
In 2016, the main coal producing areas of production fell the most obvious is the Powder River Basin (Powder River Basin), a decrease of 70 million tons compared with 2015 output. In addition, the Appalachian basin in northern and central, rocky mountain region and the Illinois Basin coal production decreased by 16% to 26% range.
In the United States, almost all coal consumption is used to generate electricity. Over the past few years, the impact of natural gas and renewable energy power generation increased, the proportion of coal-fired power generation decline year by year.
Affected by the increase in natural gas power generation, Henry, Louisiana (Henry Hub) of the average spot price of natural gas from 2015's $2.63 / million British thermal units fell to $2.4 in 2016 / million British thermal units.
In 2016, natural gas power generation accounts for about 34% of the total electricity generation, while coal-fired power generation accounts for only about 30%, the first generation of natural gas power generation more than coal. The latest release of the "short-term energy outlook" is expected in 2016, the United States electric power enterprise coal consumption is about 681 million tons, a record low since 1985.